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What engine is this? It's in an 82' VW rabbit.?
5 Answers
- Robert MLv 73 weeks ago
Those are SIDE DRAFT carbs on a regular VW engine tht I cannot SEE! They MUST have AIR CLEANERS on them or you RUIN the engine with SAND and FILTH! Those MAY be WEBBER carbs, or ZENITH ones
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
VW gaspot with dual dual carbs. Not stock. Look for a receipt in the glove box or in the manual. You CAN'T run it that way. You need air cleaners to run it and they have to be on the carbs. There is so much dirt in the air it will ruin the motor running open carbs. Even when it looks clean=it ain't. The car is set for show..not for GO. (Me I want to drive it or Go)
. Engine is either a 15 or 1600cc if it is stock. If motor has been swapped out then your guess is as good as mine. No "other engine" fits in there esp. *** scrap
It just has a fancy blue valve cover and webber carbs & maybe a header but probably a fart can muffler.
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
It has a Toyota 3k or 4k engine with twin carbs.
- boy boyLv 74 weeks ago
no one can tell by looking at picture ..apart from it a 4 cylinder engine fitted with twin Webbers ...but its well done ..and your notice the tie rod across between the struts ..this car has been modified for racing
- Anonymous4 weeks ago
VW's standard engine (1.7 I think) dressed up a bit.