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How long does it take to change a water pump on a 2001 vw beetle ?
4 Answers
- Anonymous2 weeks ago
Does not matter the engine type. It is the same. Maybe an hour. I have taken mine off, inspected the impeller and put it back on with new gaskets. Spent more time draining out the coolant...and then reusing it. Pump never failed in a MILLION MILES.+ It didn't even leak behind the pulley.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
2 to 3 hours if serpentine belt driven. 4-6 hours if timing belt has to be removed.
- Jay PLv 73 weeks ago
That depends, which engine does this '01 Beetle have?
The gas 2.0?
The gas turbo 1.8?
The 1.9 turbo diesel?