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VW Diesel car help!?
I own a VW Passat 2014 Diesel car. Today I got this code P205B Volkswagen reductant tank temperature sensor circuit range/performance. Is this something that has to be taken care of right now or can it wait because I don't have the money to fix it. Will my car mess up if driven. Will it still tell me if I need to add adblue in it.
Thank you so much
1 Answer
- Anonymous2 months agoFavorite Answer
I know it and YOU can fix it yourself. I am going to guess you are driving this car on short trips in town. Never doing long drives so the engine never really gets to full operating temperatures. You should have a gas car for short hauls.
. To fix. Take a day off and drive at highway speeds 50MPH+ to say the next town which is 30 miles or more away. Your car has an afterburner muffler in the system that burns the carbon smoke of diesels. That has built up in your exhaust system and you have not burned it out. Drive to the town and back and that should have activated the afterburner to burn the build up in the exhaust. That will clear it up.
. Or you can take your car to VW service and pay their mechanics to DO THE SAME FRICKING THING & CHARGE YOU $75/hr.
. You got to change the way or distances you drive, drive both faster and longer to keep the system clean. It is part of their low emission system.