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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 2 months ago

Is there an affordable insurance for someone who isn't working?

My son is 28 has an unknown illness we're trying to find the answer to but he had to quit his job because he physically couldn't work anymore

We're going to try to help him get disability but if it doesn't go through what's a good insurance option for him? 

4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    No, there isn't.  When someone has no income, absolutely nothing is affordable - not even food.  If he gets on disability, he'll be eligible for MediCare - but that has a lot of limitations, also.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Every state has Obamacare or ACA insurance that you an find on line. If his household income is low enough he may quaify for Medicaid. If he is on SSDI after 2 years he can enroll in Medicare and get 80% coverage.

  • 2 months ago

    You can get multiple amounts of 10,000 insurance that is generally provided without any medical questions. However, when death occurs within 1-2 years [depending on the terms], instead of the full amount only premium can be collected. These can be term life or whole life. Whole life premium is a little more. Premiums for these types are usually about $100 per year. I think Global life is one of them.  

  • 2 months ago

    Whichever is available in the state where he already lives.  There are none that is available everywhere, and if you pick one that is available somewhere that he doesn't live, then he would have to move there.  That's probably not affordable.  Especially if he physically can't pack his stuff because of his illness, so he'd have to pay someone to do it.

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