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? asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 2 weeks ago

Why is everyone cool with the fact if you die any time after a Covid-19 vaccine you will not receive any life insurance money under most ?

So if you are married and your spouse dies and is the breadwinner and dies due to the vaccines , you will not receive life insurance money , similar To a death in military service 

Because these are experimental drugs ... so now I’m not going to continue with my vaccine as scheduled . Why aren’t they covering this ?

9 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Flag this troll as a domestic terrorist spreading dangerous misinformation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago


    Not true at all

  • 2 weeks ago

    Because they know it's not true.  The life insurance would still pay out.

  • 2 weeks ago

    That is a complete falsehood.      

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Please quote the portion of a life insurance policy that supports your statement.  I don't think you will find such an exclusion.

  • 2 weeks ago

    These vaccines are experimental.  They are currently in Phase IV testing.  They have been provided emergency authorized use by the FDA.  They are not approved by the FDA.The US government has given the pharmaceutical companies immunity from lawsuits related to the the vaccines.  

    The mRNA "vaccines" are not even "vaccines".  They come in a vaccine vial but they are really immunology therapy.  But that's probably too specific for most people to understand.

    If you die after receiving the vaccines, your life insurance will pay out just like if you were receiving experimental cancer treatment. 

    If you die while a service member, then your life insurance will pay out as long as you purchased life insurance that covers military service.  If you don't, it won't pay out.

    If you die bungee jumping and don't purchase life insurance that covers "extreme adventurer" coverage, life insurance won't pay out. 

    The US Government has given immunity from lawsuits to the pharmaceutical companies related to the vaccine.  This is the biggest red flag.  The pharma companies are raking in BIG MONEY.  If the vaccines are safe, why don't they at least have the liability connected to them. 

    By the way, you still have the right to sue, if there is a mishap, you just have to sue the US Government which is harder to do. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Don't believe everything you hear on CNN.  Vaccines are not experimental drugs.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Oh look.  Another anti-vaxxer troll spreading fake news.  

    If you'd rather not be vaccinated so your wife can have money instead of you, go for it.  She can find a new husband who isn't wearing a tinfoil hat. 

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    That's a lie. Why do you believe everything you hear on the internet?

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