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Anonymous asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 1 month ago

Medical question ?

So my mom is in a nursing home due to covid. She is the head of house hold with a disabled dependent. My sister. The nursing home wants to do a share of cost which would be her whole pension. I physically can’t afford to pay her mortgage without that money. I was talking to an accountant and he said because she is head of house hold they can’t take away her pension. Is this true. Do you have any other tips other than buying more insurance premiums to bring her monthly income down? She get 1500 from the pension they want to take 1400. Yearly the cut off is 17,000 and my mom makes 18,000 a year. 


She is going to get out of the rehab she’s only 62. Her rehab is taking longer than expected. To the person who thinks I’m entitled to her assets, you can take the stick out of your butt. I lost my job due to covid and now I’m taking care of my autistic sister full time. Would it be better for my autistic sister to live in a group home ? Where they won’t take as good of care as I would? No. I’m not asking for your opinion, I’m asking for advice. 

5 Answers

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    The nursing home does not seize her funds. They bill her for the care. Your mother's sister may have income and that will be factored into her monthly cost at the nursing home.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Most old people sell their homes to pay for their nursing home care.  The nursing home is their new home, so they don't need their other one.  If you have convinced her otherwise, then she will have to pay from her income.  Why do you feel some sort of entitlement to her money and her assets?  A bit greedy, don't you think?  And I guess she won't have her disabled daughter under her roof anymore, so that is irrelevant.

  • 1 month ago

    Talking to an elder care attorney is a great option.

    Medicaid (Medi-Cal in Calif) is going to take possession of the house and that is probably not a good thing for you in the long term

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Call your local office for aging to help you with the Medicaid qualification.  Because your mother has a disabled dependent, the accountant is correct.  They cannot take all her pension and the cut off may be higher.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Consult an elder care attorney, most give free 30 minute consultations.

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