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Lv 7
? asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 2 months ago

Do you have everyone in your family insured with life insurance?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 months ago

    When we were babies and my parents had limited income, they took out life insurance policies that would cover our burial.

    It makes sense to have the breadwinner in the family covered so his/her death doesn't leave the family destitute.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Last I checked, funerals aren't free. That's great that you have savings, but it's cheaper to buy life insurance, just like it's easier to buy car insurance over having to buy another car.

  • TedEx
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Yes. Every one of them.   I am not about to have someone  start a "gofundme"to pay for someone;s funeral expense.

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Yes. I have insurance through my employer and pay for additional coverage. We have private insurance on my husband. And I insure my children with a minimal amount for literally pennies a month through my employer. While we would never expect anything to happen to them, the insurance would cover the costs of burial so I wouldn’t have to deal with that stress during a truly horrific time.

  • fcas80
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    You buy life insurance to insure against the death and subsequent loss of wage income for people who depend on that income.  For someone not working, or when there is no one depending on the income, there is no need for life insurance.

  • 2 months ago

    No, nor should you.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago


    My spouse and I have no kids and when the first one of us dies, there is enough that the other won't have to worry (about money).

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Its just me, no need for insurance.

  • 2 months ago


    No one in my household has life insurance.

    No one relies on us for income, although if one of us passed today there would be a decent inheritance.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    I live alone but I do have life insurance just in case. 

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