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Why are Transgender people being so oppressed in America?

With all the equal rights being granted to gay people lately, I have to wonder why trans people are still being left in the dust. For example you can still get kicked out of the military for being trans, and in some states they have to use the wrong bathroom. Can anyone explain to me why this is still happening? Preferably with sources please. Thanks :)

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    It is a function of human nature. For most of our history, sticking to our own group and shunning or expelling outsiders was the best strategy for survival. It still forms the basis of most people's personal identity -- you join a group and you protect that group. Most people have little or no experience with transgender folks, so they don't see them as part of our shared group. These instincts served our ancestors well for thousands of generations...and as you're hopefully aware...we are slow to change because new things carry unknown risks.

    While it may be hard to wait it out...we do tend to fix injustices in time. The whole notion of separate, gender-segregated bathrooms has only existed for a little more than a century. It was silly then and it is silly today -- a sustained campaign based on it being unnecessary Victorian-era prudery should succeed within a decade. Read your Sun Tzu and pick your battles on your terms.

  • 6 years ago

    a source??? that's silly.

    when anything, no matter what it is, is new or doesn't fit the norm or the mold then there are problems fitting in and being accepted. I don't think it's oppression, it's just not the norm. They have a choice of being the norm and they don't want that, therefore they caused their own problems and can't expect that the world should comply with their choice.

  • Dr. D
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    America is one of the best places in the world for transgendered people. Think about it. Where in the world has anyone ever been honored as courageous simply for coming out as transgendered?

    If you are transgendered then you have all the legal rights and freedoms as anyone else.

    Of course, if you are still in high school then your peers will still tease you, because immature people have always threatened anyone who was different.

  • 6 years ago

    Uncle Miltie cross-dressed on TV for years and people ate it up. Flip Wilson's Geraldine, Eddie Murphy's Big Momma, and Tyler Perry's Madea are comedy legends. Ru Paul's got his own TV show now. The difference is that these guys don't go out and troll for other huys who are out trolling for an actual female. That's false advertising, bro, no matter how you try to spin it.

  • 6 years ago

    Well for one I am trans and i have it very hard most of the time because not only do straight people harass and pick on me because of how I dress but its the gays too and there part of the same community I'm part of which is the LGBT , a lot of gays are hypocrites for some strange reason dunno why

  • 6 years ago

    America basically oppresses anyone who isn't a white straight male which is disgusting. I agree that we need to start fighting for transgender rights just as much as we are for gay rights. Hopefully one day we'll live in a nation where everyone is equal but for now we just have to fight.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    They aren't. A man in a dress is not a woman, and I refuse to accept someone's delusions as reality.

    @Will sorry that you are delusional. "Trans" people have a right to live the way they do, I am not taking that away, but they do not have the right to force me to call a man a woman.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    They're not! just because some people don't like you doesn't mean you have no rights at all

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Mostly it's because the great majority of people are desperately ignorant. They've been fed a pack of lies about trans people and there's very little correct information available.

    Source(s): A perfect example of this is the Tom troll. And he thinks that parading his ignorance around in public is socially acceptable.
  • 6 years ago

    Because Americans are assh*les

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