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Jeff M
Lv 7
Jeff M asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 7 years ago

Does this help you visualize the Polar Vortex?

Why do you think climate skeptics, such as good ole Rush Limbaugh, state that it is just made-up and doesn't exist?


Yes Limbaugh never said that.

Update 2:

Sagebrush: Reliable new sources state exactly what was stated in my first video. Unreliable news sources state pretty much what Rush stated. No news source I have listened to has stated the polar vortex is a 'new thing'.

10 Answers

  • John
    Lv 4
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is some additional information on the polar vortex. -

    I have known for several years about the polar vortex because I also visit weather blogs. I know how high pressure systems in the Arctic during the winter months can split or even displace the Arctic polar vortex further south. This will bend and exaggerate the jet stream and allows the cold polar air to escape further south. Until recently I had never heard TV weather personnel use it in their weather reports.

  • 7 years ago

    Yeah this is the common claim by people such as Rush and Jimz: Physics is all a Marxist plot, and people who study physics are Marxists. That is the entirety of the Climate Change denial, that scientists are conspirators with an agenda based to bring about a worldwide planned economy. They deny every scientists. They want America to fall further behind in science education.

  • 7 years ago

    Good find, Jeff. The YA climate science deniers (most of whom can write in English about as well as the computer program doing the subtitles in that video you posted) can feel better about flunking science in school, however many decades ago that was, because the anti-science charlatans featured in the video assure them that climate science is nothing but a liberal media conspiracy hoax.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Jeff, I listened to the whole thing and live. Rush said that it has been happening for centuries, but the news media are acting like it is a new occurrence AND are blaming man for the polar vortex.

    Get your facts straight. You claim to have a scientific mind and yet you fall for every piece of garbage propaganda that comes down the pipe. This just proves that you greenies would sell your own mother to advance your agenda.

  • Miles
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    People like Rush make their living with bait and switch issues. They approach every subject from the point of personal greed without reason or conscience.

  • Ian
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Of course it exists. It's caused by Global Cooling, you stupid denier. Oh wait, that was in the 1970's.

    Of course it exists. It's called weather. There's a difference between weather and climate, you stupid denier. Oh wait, that's when it was called Global Warming.

    Of course it exits. It's caused by Man Made Climate Change, you stupid denier.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I don't know that he said it doesn't exist, it's always existed but as others note it's not been used in weather reporting before.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    They are paid to, they have a political agenda, and they are idiots

  • 7 years ago


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