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Good Backpacking in Big Sur?
I'm planning on going backpacking in the Big Sur area (I believe its part of Monterrey county).
Has anyone else been backpacking (overnight camping on trails) in the Big Sur area?
Can you recommend a certain State/National Park? We would prefer a place that is in the forest with all the dense trees (eg the redwoods).
Thank you.
2 Answers
- caseyLv 59 years agoFavorite Answer
Contact the National Forest Service Office at Big Sur. There is a trail head just past their parking lot that takes you into the Ventana Wilderness, a permit may be required. The first campsites are 4 miles in, then at 6 miles, 8 miles, and 12 miles. At 12 miles there is Sykes Hot Springs, a mild sulfur spring right alongside the Big Sur River, that provides a relaxing soak after the hike. The springs are about 1/4 mile downstream from where the trail crosses the river.
Went in there for the first time in 1972, many times since, was back a few years ago.
- 9 years ago
Check out this list of the Top 10 Campsites in Monterey County, several are located in Big Sur. I would recommend Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park (if you're to book early enough) and Limekiln State Park.