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Why does a summer camp drama activity want people to make up ideas as a group?

Can't they go solo? It's not easy going solo. It's also not easy going with the grain of the group either. By going with the grain of the group, I mean being accepting of other people's ideas as they are to your ideas. I know what going solo means, it's one person who goes solo either in a good way or a bad way. I did not intend to be selfish at the time, but i was unwittingly selfish and learned a lesson from that. All I asked for is to insist that everyone goes solo and coming up with more than one story from several different people. I like being an individualist but I cannot have to be under the impression that Canada is more of a collectivist society than a individualist society, just for a sake of having the passion to do my creative thinking the old fashioned way in summer camp drama classes. Being old fashioned is part of my culture and if my feat involves going Mr. Burns with my pens and pre-coiled paper with dramatic ideas, I should be able to exert this feat by creating like a Canadian summer camp dramatic the way I want. The definition of Canadian creativity means whatever the hell one wants it to mean. It's not an animation studio, it's not a film company, it's not a television station, it's summer camp, an unbiased establishment that glorifies the human imagination.


To get myself back on topic, I had to fall to this moral standard. I'm not against ideas and I'm not trying to mean any trouble in any of this. Going solo in newspaper class may be easier for the hands, whether or not it is related to summer camp, but having the whole class involved in making stories as a group severely limits creative storytellng to one story to which i think is bullsh* but there's a reason for creating stories as a group. 

Update 2:

I was happy to try and have this group collaborated story finished so the story can be enacted before the end of the week, but I still think it would be nice for a change for everyone in summer camp drama class to go solo. They let you create dramatic storytelling like a Canadian at school, how come it won't be the same at summer camp. They don't stop you from going solo at drama camps. Obviously, I asked for too much and next time, I'll try throwing caution to the wind.

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