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Any survival wristband with light and whistle?

I have been unsuccessful in finding a survival wristband/watch that has (3) things: (Listed from most important to least)

- A realistic whistle

- A working light

- A compass. 

To be quite honest, the compass doesn't matter as much to me, as I have a compass. I'm primarily looking for a whistle that isn't garbage. From those which I've found online, the whistles are pretty quiet. I just thought maybe I should try to ask Yahoo.

Thanks in advance

2 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Make up your own.

    1. Buy a sports referee whistle, which they often carry with a wrist lanyard.  Many are designed for hard use and made to be heard in a professional sports stadium.

    2. Get an small efficient, but powerful LED light like some of the smaller Olight EDC lights.  I carry a i3E EOS and a i1R 2 Eos on a keychain, or you might want to go with a slightly larger one for the pocket.  Take you pick USB rechargeable or AA or AAA battery.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 months ago

    why you need to have all three things on a bracelet is not my business, but those three items are made very light weight these days. Just have them separate, there is no way it would be a big burden. I find it odd with the many many resources online you could not find an emergency whistle loud enough lol. I probably did not answer or help in the way you wanted but, that's just my 2 cents

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