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passat b6 front passenger door not opening from outside. Help?
My passat is b6 2007 model and the front passenger door was not opening from outside. I remove the first panel but could not remove the metal panel. After 6 hour trying, I got so upset that I did not care anymore. But as I fiddled with the latch, it started opening from both side. Now, I dont know what the problem was. So anymore may shed light, that will be appreciated.
It is going for MOT on Monday.
1 Answer
- David SLv 510 years agoFavorite Answer
If I remember correctly,the latter model VW"s have a removable outside door skin. With the door open you will see a row of bolts on the edge of both sides and the bottom of the door. The bolts are different lengths on each side. When removed, the outside door skin comes off for access to the inner workings.
Source(s): Done a couple