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Lv 4

How are "religious" animal sacrifices justified in light of the the whole, "thou shall not kill" thing?

Just read this Yahell story to do with animal sacrifices for the 2010 World Cup and wondered:


Thanx, Bobster, but you might try reading the story, first. "Divine" and "Bless" don't sound like cultural words to me. But, what do I know?

Update 2:

Yeah, Spreedog, killing for food compared to reasons coinciding with irrational "beliefs" is, in my opinion, quite a different thing. The former done humanely, not in excess or fueled by greed (i.e., Factory Farming)? Pretty rational. Protein, health, etc, kinda a solid idea. The latter, irrational, senseless killing. Kinda feel the same way about hunting for "sport".

BTW, interesting point by Dash to do with Thanksgiving, yes? Killing (even, indirectly, for food) and sacrifice can overlap.

Update 3:

Thanx, mdGreg C. Love that quote!! About PETA? Well intended and they do a lot of good. From what I've read, though, it seems they are also known to go overboard about what is simply not true, due to a failure to find the facts, FIRST.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have pondered this question before myself. I also wondered about the asking of ones own son to be sacrificed. Why would a god command you not to kill then ask of you to sacrifice your own child to prove your 'love and devotion'? Like much of religion it contradicts points made. For those saying God implied humans I am so glad they can infer for a God that is so perfect it can not clarify itself.

    Source(s): Edit: I do eat meat I am not saying it is right But I do it for a reason. If I eat a salad I am eating something alive many don't see it that way but it is life. Life is precious who or what ever is responsible for it's existence made everything special. We made ourselves the more special because we are narcissistic. Killing anything is denying its right to life . If we are truly compassionate, understanding and intelligent, if we truly respect that 'created' we would kill out of necessity not ritual, sport or vindictiveness.
  • Bobq
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The commandment against killing is meant to apply to humans, not the lower forms of animal life. The dove, the lamb and the ram were most frequently used in sin and atonement sacrifices. The procedure for proper preparation in minute detail can be found in the early chapters of the Book of Leviticus.

    Human sacrifice in Yahwehism is loudly denounced, perhaps too loudly? What was that in John 3:16?

  • 1 decade ago

    'How are "religious" animal sacrifices justified in light of the the whole, "thou shall not kill" thing?'

    By using conceptual difference. When the 'thou shalt not kill' was written, animal sacrifice was still in, the sacred red heifer thing with the Jews. The BBQ for God. They are an African religion, different rules there. On reflection, that kind of slaughter is a lot more precious and caring than American beef industry.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Christian religion, animal sacrifice is not necessary and totally not done in Christian ritual. Jesus was the last word on sacrifice as he gave himself up to it rather than renounce what he knew was right and true. The only sacrifice that is necessary is our own self-centred egos. I think its definitely wrong to do animal sacrifice in such a big stadium in the face of much of the world to see. Its just wrong and should be precluded.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That commandment is taken to mean "Thou shall not kill other people or yourself". some Buddhist follow the prohibition to not kill anything intentional making them effectively, vegetarian. Animal sacrifices are not uncommon. think Thanksgiving, the turkey is the sacrifice.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a cultural thing in Africa. Not a religious thing.

    You've taken a 1 and a 3 and made it equal 42.

  • 1 decade ago

    Humans are often not rational animals.

    Anyone who eats meat of any kind kills - indirectly.

    I am guilty also.

    But to kill a defenseless animal for some weird symbolic ritual is nonsensical.

    In the U.S. we kill cows but not dogs.

    Both have brown eyes.

    Humans are strange creatures.

    You - as a psychology almost PhD - know this better than most of us.

    Source(s): Strange human
  • 1 decade ago

    The commandment thou shalt not kill really means "Thou shalt not kill your fellow Jew." Read your bible. god orders the Israelites to kill any idol worshipers which results in entire cities being slaughtered (well, usually they "kept the virgins for themselves"). That is also not mentioning all of the crimes for which any person may be put to death. For example collecting sticks on a Sunday warrants being stoned to death. Trust me, the bible is no moral compass.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Religion can Justify Anything, Even that Which is Contrary". BTW, their Are Some Who Would Like you to Believe All Animal Testing is Unnecessary (e. g., PETA), this is Not True.

    EDIT: Thanks K, the Quote is Mine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you should understand the original meaning of the word, which is more like "murder" than "kill"

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