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Lady Mala
Buddhists: are my priorities out of whack?
I attend intensive online college. To speed things toward my masters (I'm about done with my bachelors) signed up for a 28-hour (8 week course in computer security. So for two semesters, I'll be going to 2 schools, 3 courses in a 7-week semester and 1 8-week course.
This is pretty intensive, and I spend hours and hours on papers, homework, projects, finals. I don't know about Villanova, they may be worse or better. I was up for over 40 hours during finals week!
But can I devote enough time to my dharma study and path this way? It is very important to me. Yesterday I didn't even know it was Sunday already, and missed going to the temple!
Are my priorities backward? Even? Ahead? What would you do, and why?
((( with metta)))
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCutter really regrets scars- can't wear t-shirts!?
I was a cutter for about a year, arms and legs with a razor, mostly.I probably needed stitches which I was too ashamed to get.
What I want to know is: should I keep wearing my long-sleeved t-shirts to cover my scars, or should I say the heck with it and go with short sleeves? I'm afraid of what people might say.
10 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoGMAT/GRE exams?
Has anyone taken either one? I can choose, which should I take? How difficult are they? I need it for a masters program.
1 AnswerStandards & Testing1 decade agoScared of new people- at a Buddhist temple!?
I've been attending Sunday service and half-day retreats at a Korean Zen Buddhis temple for 6 weeks- sort of. I missed two weeks that couldn't be helped.
When I wrote the leading teacher to say I'd be back, he wrote one sentence. Usually, he writes me funny paragraphs and things.
The first few meetings people were so firendly and kind! They intoduced themselves, we had tea and chatted in the yard, I felt very comfortable and accepted.
This last time, I felt alienated, separate, ignored- no one spoke with me, and if they did, they excused themselves and walked away.
I have always been very shy, almost timid, and afraid of what people thought of me if I said or did the wrong thing. I was diagnose with paranoia many years ago, but it hasn't bothered me much. Plus, I'm biplar and it's like a shameful secret and makes me feel different.
Do you think it was the people at the temple who were ignoring me, and the teacher with the one-line email dismissing me- or is it me?
1 AnswerMental Health1 decade agoGetting ready to graduate- now what?
I will finish my BBA accounting fraud investigation degree in December, and while I work, acquire my master's in Forensic accounting.
When I go searching for jobs, what areas and/or titles should I apply for? I have no experience (MAYBE an internship) and don't mind starting at the bottom. What will I qualify for? Thanks!
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoPuppies and Kittens?
Everytime I visit dogs/cats, there are questions upon questions about pregnancies, litters, breeders, certain breeds of animals, etc.
People! 7,000,000 cats, kittens, dogs and puppies are KILLED each year in this country and they are not sick! We are not acting in a responsible manner, and we allow them to breed indiscrimitorily. No homes can be found.
When will people wake up and realize it's best for society and the animal to be spayed/neutered? They are calmer pets, and they avoid many sexual organ diseases.
Why would ANYONE not spay or neuter?
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI may have made a really, really bad mistake w/friends?
For 4-5 years now, the only time my "friends" call me is when they need something done. I invite them to dinner, to come over and shoot the poo, go to a movie- the answers always "no, I'm too busy, I have this or that". Or we make a date for whatever, and they call last minute saying "something came up". So I wrote and told them this, and said they don't act like friends.
I got a letter back from the biggest date-breaker saying "I always ask you out blah blah blah" and the killer: "someone has been telling me all the bad things you say about me and I still try to be your friend."
After my blood pressure came down, I wrote them all and said that I thought it was immoral that in your circle of friends there's a RAT.And I'll never know who it is. So I severed all ties with them.
Was I wrong to question the friendship and blow up about the RAT? We (I thought) had been very close friends. Sure, I've said a nasty thing here or there- who hasn't? But who would snitch? I'm so confused
6 AnswersFriends1 decade agoIs it them or me?
I am an animal welfare activist and a Buddhist. I recently resigned from my animal groups because it seems the only time people talk to me is if they want something from me. I've worked with one girl 3 years and we've never even go to dinner. But if I ask her- go to dinner, visit my temple, whatever- she's always busy. Most everyone is that way.
I love my temple, but it's like a "clique"- either you're in or out. I'm new, no one talks to me or strikes up a conversation or smiles. There are other temples, but if it's me, what difference would it make? I try to be friendly and speak to everyone and remember their names, but I'm just left out. Is it because they all know each other and don't know me? Or do I have a personality defect? What cab I do different?
6 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow do I choose a Buddhist sect/lineage/tradition?
I have recently (6 months) decided to choose and dedicate myself to a Buddhist temple. Problem is, there are so many! The Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path remain the same, but after that- it's a quagmire! To visit each would be very difficult, let alone get to know people and sutras.
Buddhists, how did you become Zen, or Pure Land, or Kagyu? What decided it for you?
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoUpgrading a relatively small landscaping project for thr front of the home?
My house is only 1000sqft, so we're talking small. I want an Asian theme with perenials and a tree or two. I'm in Zone 5, Michigan. Anyone have a web site, book or TV shows that can help me set this up? I need to know what would be Asian, and how full I want to fill. I suppose landscaping bricks? Any creative ideas or point the way? Thanks!!
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade agoBIG career change- what to do with resume?
Between the US Navy and a steel mill, I have spent almost 30 years as a skilled trades welder.
I took the buy-out for books and tuition and health care for 6 years. I always loved accounting, so now's my chance. Almost finished with BBA in Accounting Investigation, and will finish with a master's in Forensic accounting in 2 years & want to get some experience during that time.
First topic on a resume: experience. Answer (me): Duh, none- that's why I went to school. Should I just put "core skills" or something first, and leave the jobs for last? I did very good in the Navy (E-7) and at the steel mill.
Faced this type of situation? Please, help me out! I count on all of you, my friendS
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoBuddhists: your advice, please?
I have been attending a Zen Buddhist temple for about 4 months, The people are cool, the guiding teacher is a miracle worker and everyone is friendly.
But I have studied Tibetan Buddhism for 3 years, and always thought it was the lineage for me . I want to go visit this temple next week-- and I'll feel like a traitor!
Should I sat where I am until Buddha decides it time for me to move, or has he just done that? People have given me 6 kinds of advicel Buddja said to check everything out for yourself, and not to listen to advice or counceling or learning from your elders.
What would you do if you were in my sandals? Stick it out, or try something new?
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoCan we stop the hate, the sarcasm, the bashing?
I hesitate everytime I push the religion button because I know there will be inane answers, insulting answers, bigoted questions, insults and prejudice.
I am very spiritual and I love learning what the different groups have to say on different topics regarding their beliefs, traditions, and explanations for the same. I have learned a lot, and dispelled some erroneous beliefs I had.
Religion and spirituality are very personal, very emotional topics. Spritual matters will never have concrete "proofs" like traditional science. I want to know why you believe what you believe, and research the answers that you give. Who knows? One special answer could change my religion.
But wading through all the back-biting and baiting gets old. It's the same, over and over. Can we try to respectfully disagree and realize that the other person is just as passionate as we are?
Just a thought, very early in the morning, tired of the hateful squabbling.
27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoNon-Buddhists: What do you think Buddhism is about since we have no God?
Many people have misconceptions about Buddhism. What do you think our main concepts are? How do we get along without a Supreme Being?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMIS - Race Virgin?
Ok, I have directions, I'm leaving at 5/6 am, wearing sleeves and long pants and shoes for pit road. I'd like to bring those teeny rainsuits they sell at the Army/Navy, and a few other things, like my camera. What is not allowed inside the gates?
Go, #99, Go!
7 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoVista,Dell or Comcast?
I have a 3-month old Dell Inspiron 530 with 4gRam, enourmous hard drive, all bells/whistles.
Everytime I load an attachment to email on IE7 it closes down. I use Safari. Mozilla is so-so.
About 3 times a day the screen turns "grey" and Vista shuts down; have to reboot. It says it's "protecting" me. I could be in the middle of an online mid-term.
The mouse does not click where you point it. Anywhere else, but not where you want. I got rid of the wireless and got an USB, no difference.
At least once a day the internet quits working. I have a wireless modem for my friend's computer 20' away in another room. The cable light stays on. Comcast says cell phones passing by interrupt it. I have to shut down, disconnect the modem, wait, reverse the procedure and am happy for 23 hous,
It is the most highly unstable system I have ever worked with (and I go back to DOS). Can I change back to XP? Has anyone found a way to stabilize Vista? I've had 5 Dells with no problem.
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoGoing to MIS this Sunday! Best route- easy 10 pts.?
For some reason "ask" is missing, and only "add details" is here?? Anyway, I am close to Detroit and am going for the Sprint race and have pit passes. What's the best route in and what time should I leave?
8 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoScars on arms?
A few years ago I was a cutter, and I have 30 or 40 straight-line scars on my arms about 1 1/2" to 2" long. I can't possibly afford plastic surgery to get rid of them.
Does anyone know of a cosmetic product that would minimize or hide the scars? I can't wear shor sleeves, and in the summer it gets HOT.
I know I shouldn't have done it, been through the psych thing. Just need advice on a cosmetic.
2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoWhy do atheists/Christians think Christians/atheists hate them?
All these A's and Q's about "atheists, what do you...." and Christians what do you...." Is there really that much hatred going around? If so, why?
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoBuddhists: So many schools, so many lineages. Is it really all "one dharma, one sangha"?
I have studied Tibetan, Dzogchen, Vipassana, etc. Squabbling about who has the spirit of the "true Buddha' teachings". I'm joining a Zen temple and no nothing of Zen! Will the message be the same?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago