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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 weeks ago

Liberals: Should Derek Chauvin be found guilty even if he wasn't responsible for George Floyd's death?

44 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Yes, and you can see pics of him kneeling on Floyd's neck, which is always inhumane and unacceptable. It takes only a small sense of morality and common sense to know this was wrong. And also... Rapture will happen one day. Many people will disappear from this earth, and some will be left behind. Whether that happens in your lifetime or not, I urge you to find God, develop a good relationship with Him, and repent before it's too late. Our loving Father created us and sent His only begotten Son to save us, and even when it doesn't feel like it, the Holy Spirit is always with us to guide us and remind us that He is always here. Unfortunately, you might go to Hell if you don't do this before it's too late. I really hope to see you all in Heaven. Good bye and God bless you all.

  • 2 weeks ago

    But he clearly was responsible for Floyd's death. I see a lot of Conservatives arguing he died from the effects of drugs. Thing is, though -- drugs MIGHT kill you. Someone kneeling on your neck for nine minutes straight and constricting your breathing while you're restrained and unable to move WILL kill you.

    We all saw the video. It was murder. Plain and simple. No questions about it, doesn't matter what political party you subscribe to, Chauvin killed that man, intentionally and willfully -- which renders your lame attempt at a bait question utterly and absolutely moot.

  • 2 weeks ago

    All those talking about Chauvin’s guilt, how does Floyd’s ingesting the drugs impact  the outcome

  • Truth
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    as a hard core conservative, i would say, this is a moot point, as chauvin murdered floyd.  i saw the video.  that was murder, plain and simple.

    btw, cops should be held to a higher standard, not a lower standard.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Only if he's guilty, but that 's  no problem. He can share a cell with Trump!

  • 2 weeks ago

    Chauvin was a contributing factor.

    Had Floyd died on his own, this would be a different story if at all.

  • david
    Lv 5
    2 weeks ago

    That's a nonsense question. He is responsible for Floyd's death.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    2 weeks ago

    From what I've seen and heard he seems pretty guilty to me.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    He shot two people before. One of them died. There were 18 reported cases of him abusing other civilians including some in which he choked them like a 17-year-old who couldn’t breathe for 17 minutes. Another one shelf and put the guys face in a puddle face down on the street so he couldn’t breathe. This man is a psychopath. He should’ve been put away along time ago.He shot two people before. One of them died. There were 18 reported cases of him abusing other civilians including some in which he choked them like a 17-year-old who couldn’t breathe for 17 minutes. Another one shelf and put the guys face in a puddle face down on the street so he couldn’t breathe. This man is a psychopath. He should’ve been put away along time ago. But the corrupt police union corrupt prosecutors and judges and Republican Supreme Court justices are always on the side of the police in this country that’s why they’ve gotten away with their abuses for so long. And then there’s a blue wall of silence.

  • 2 weeks ago

    If Derek Chauvin is not found guilty every city in the U.S. will be burned to the ground & all Walmart's & Best Buys will be looted.  Finding any TV's will be impossible. 

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