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Violation!!! Now this REALLY bugs me?

I just got a violation notice and the question; Let's put an end to this myth? got deleted.

I gave an explanation on why men have more accidents than woman. can anybody tell me why that question could have been deleted?????


Most of you laughed at the explanation, all in good humor.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, some female out there in Yahoo land felt insecure/threatened about your question. Probably felt that you were being SEXIST...? I would have answered it without reporting is my answer:

    Men are out on the highways more than women....such as truckers, travelling salesmen etc.

    Women work out in the realm now but their driving distances are all that much.

    SO, how I am doing so far? Will I get reported/deleted? lol

    PS> maybe they didn't read it right and thought you were going out after WOMEN>?

  • 1 decade ago

    I got a violation notice because I said the word "necrophilia". . . .you can have a pornographinc avatar and be extrememly rude to other people or disguise your curse words but when something is OBVIOUSLY said in fun then you get a violation. Some of the coolest people have actually been suspended.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The question could have been deleted because from the sounds of it it wasn't really a question it was more of a theory looking for comments which is something you would have to post on a chat board not a help site.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It kinda weird. Nudity/exhibitionism is allowed, while funny questions and answers are not. It's like they're after a certain group of people.

    I got a violation notice for asking "What would you like Santa to put in your easter basket"- which they didnt even post, while that crazy rooster got absolutely nothing for a few days.

  • me
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    i can tell u of another question

    there was this racist question about black people posted by someone i cant remember

    it got over 147 violations and still didnt get deleted for a whole week

    how do u explain that??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no idea its ridiculous aint it, they at least should send a highlighted area of the yahoo guidelines that you have violated by your question to help you understand, coz like most people we cant find any fault to some of the violations that are given, and i cant help but wonder if yahoo is not jsut dishing em out for the hell of it

    and btw - if its got a question mark on the end of it - ITS A QUESTION!

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't know.... similar thing happened to me:

    i looked at a question that was practically jibberish and made absolutely no sense at all, and i felt like answering so my answer was "um... what?" (most of the other answers were something like that, and a few were the same thing) and today i got an email saying i had violated a rule or something like that and it had been deleted!! (honestly, what's rude/offending about "what"???)

    Source(s): personal experience (gerrrr.....)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't feel bad...the average participant here has an IQ smaller than their shoe size and are as boring as a box of dust. The moronic fools who run "Yahoo Questions" are boring with no sense of humor, and prone to sniffing their own farts.

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm...didn't see you question,but violation is in the eye of the beholder i guess. you never know who you'll pi$$ off with your questions or answers,its a risk you take. Don't take it to heart and if you Were being inappropriate,try to clean it up next time. Good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the government covered it up to stop the impending Red Scare

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