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  • Organic chemistry question: is a reaction medium different from a solvent?

    Answers with citations preferred


    3 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • Why is my peace lily wilting?

    I've had two young peace lilies for a few months now. One has always been slightly healthier than the other, but recently the healthier one suddenly started to look worse and worse (the other is fine). The one I'm concerned about used to be healthy and happy, but has started to wilt over the past two days, the lower, smaller leaves slowly turning black. The plant gets direct and indirect sunlight, plenty of ventilation to its roots, and I water it about once a week. I watered it when I noticed it wilting, but since then it's only gotten worse. Now, all of the leaves are wilting, and some are turning yellow. (Some smaller ones have turned completely black, and I cut them off this morning).

    Is there anything that I can do? What's wrong with my plant?

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Why is my peace lily wilting?

    I've had two young peace lilies for a few months now. One has always been slightly healthier than the other, but recently the healthier one suddenly started to look worse and worse (the other is fine). The one I'm concerned about used to be healthy and happy, but has started to wilt over the past two days, the lower, smaller leaves slowly turning black. The plant gets direct and indirect sunlight, plenty of ventilation to its roots, and I water it about once a week. I watered it when I noticed it wilting, but since then it's only gotten worse. Now, all of the leaves are wilting, and some are turning yellow. (Some smaller ones have turned completely black, and I cut them off this morning).

    Is there anything that I can do? What's wrong with my plant? Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Chemistry question: Localized Electron model, Molecular Orbital model, and lewis dot structures?

    Please explain (the differences between) the LE, MO, and Lewish dot models?


    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Localized Electron model, Molecular Orbital model, and lewis dot structures?

    Please explain (the differences between) the LE, MO, and Lewish dot models?


    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • What passage(s) of the Torah discuss bar/bat mitzvas?

    I'm looking for a direct source that explains the concept, reason for, implications of, etc. bar/bat mitzvas / Jewish coming of age. The more exact, the better. Thanks!!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Considering coming out to my religious mom as pansexual and genderqueer.. any guidance?

    My mom is Jewish, and in the past few years has become very religious. (As an example, when I confessed my obvious atheism a few years back, the result included many tears and her screaming that I've broken her heart.)

    Our relationship hasn't always been great, but in the past year or so it's been really good (aside from the religious issues) and that means a lot to me. However, at the same time, I don't like feeling the need to hide things from her, especially something like my sexual/gender identity.

    I'm 19, attending an out of state college, so I can express myself as I want to without her knowing, for the most part. But I'm going home for summers, and again, I don't like keeping something this from her, especially when it's so important to me and who I am. However, I don't want to hurt our relationship, or her.

    To those who have come out to religious parents, what was your experience? Any suggestions?

    Thanks :\

  • Jewish view on atheist, genderqueer, bisexual children?

    I'm 19, pansexual (for simplicity, we'll say its the same as bisexual if you dont know what pansexual means), and genderqueer (assigned the female gender at birth, but do not identify as female).

    My mom is a religious Jew-- when I confessed my obvious atheism to her about two years ago, for example, the result included many tears and her screaming at me. Things have gotten somewhat better since then, but she still says that she's worried about me not practicing Judaism, says I'm "struggling with my faith in G-d" (which I view as denial-- I haven't felt myself "struggling" regarding my belief in god for many years), and says she's worried about the fate of both of our souls if I don't return to the path of Judaism.

    As I said before, I'm pansexual and genderqueer. Religion aside, I have a really good relationship with my mom, and that's really important to me. I really don't want to hurt her, or hurt our relationship. On that note, I really hate keeping things from her, especially when I feel like I have to.

    I'm trying to decide whether or not I should come out to her. I hate keeping her from this (important) part of me and my life, but on the other hand I don't want to jeopardize our relationship, or break her heart, both of which I fear telling her the truth may do.

    Any suggestions, preferably from religious Jews? What would you do in this situation? What would you want your child to do?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What do the colors in The Blind Assassin represent?

    I notice that the colors yellow, red, white, blue, gray, black and brown appear frequently throughout the novel. I have a general understanding of what each traditionally represents, but i think that some of them represent other things in this novel. help?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Please translate this text into english?

    I'm not sure what language this is in (probably sweedish or norweigen), can someone translate it into english? thanks

    Eg grev ned min eld

    sent om om kyeld

    naar dagen er slut

    gud gje min eld

    alder slokan ut


    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to password-protect specific folders and files on a windows vista?

    I have a desktop home edition windows vista, and want to password-protect certain individual files and folders (not my entire user profile) is this possible? if so, how?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to download this video onto my computer?

    I have a windows vista, and i want to use parts of this video for a school presentation. Is there a way to download the file onto my computer? or at least its audio file(s)?

    5 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to download this video onto my computer?

    I have a windows vista, and i want to use parts of this video for a school presentation. Is there a way to download the file onto my computer? or at least its audio file(s)?

    6 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Progressive era (1890-1920) music?

    I'm creating a presentation on women of the progressive era (specifically, Mother Jones, Florence Kelley, and Ida B. Wells-- women involved with reforms involving child labor, general labor laws and lynching) and i need at least 1 appropriate song by an american artist, produced in the 20th century. any suggestions? the lyrics must be relevant-- again, about children, child labor, legal labor reform, or lynching. thanks! any/all suggestions much needed and appreciated.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Progressive era (1890-1920) music?

    I'm creating a presentation on women of the progressive era (specifically, Mother Jones, Florence Kelley, and Ida B. Wells-- women involved with reforms involving child labor, general labor laws and lynching) and i need at least 1 appropriate song by an american artist, produced in the 20th century. any suggestions? the lyrics must be relevant-- again, about children, child labor, legal labor reform, or lynching. thanks! any/all suggestions much needed and appreciated.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • I just received a new Palm E2. How long should i wait for it to be fully charged?

    it's been charging for over 12 hours, and the power symbol on the battery has not changed. how do i know when it's fully charged? how long should that take?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Johnny Got his Gun essay help?

    For an essay due tomorrow on Dalton Trumbo's Johnny Got His Gun, i need to evaluate the impact of rebirth and time keeping themes in the second half of the book. I have a few ideas for the impact of time keeping (though probably not enough), and absolutely nothing on rebirth. please help!!! thanks. all help is appreciated!!

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago