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  • About making friends as a shy person, help?

    I'm a shy person, in that I don't usually try to make friends, and avoid interaction to a fault. The two places where I see people are: before a class starts -or- in the student lounge.

    Should I deliberately walk up to people, or casually sit next to a person to start a conversation? It seems kind of deceitful to approach someone on purpose and play it as though it were a matter of chance. I know that I only want to approach certain individuals. Would playing it off as a casual encounter be ethical? I can make conversation, I just don't want to ruin it on a bad first impression.

    7 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Ethics of making friends in college; spring semester?

    The two places where I see people are: before a class starts -or- in the student lounge.

    Should I deliberately walk up to people, or casually sit next to a person to start a conversation? It seems kind of deceitful to approach someone on purpose and play it as though it were a matter of chance. I know that I only want to approach certain individuals. Would playing it off as a casual encounter be ethical?

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • To Everyone, what's your opinion of this type of music (its black metal, example included)?

    What's your opinion of black metal?

    The screamed vocals as opposed to normal singing...

    The music as opposed to what you normally listen to...

    The feelings that you have in general toward it...

    The insults, along with the "hails"...

    Any comment is welcome, good or bad.

    If you've never heard of it, a good example song is "Empire of Blood" by Black Funeral.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What are some good screamo bands (see the details please)!?!?

    What are some good screamo bands? And I mean the ACTUAL definition of screamo.

    Screamo does NOT translate to: death metal, black metal, heavy metal in general, hardcore, etc.

    If you're answering "Idk if this is screamo or not..." (rest assured) its not screamo. This question is only for those who know what it is.

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What is the best female folk/classical vocalist (as in a flawless tone)?

    Once, when I was little, I remember hearing -the- greatest folk voice on the radio (there is a possibility that the singer was classical, due to the tonal quality). The singer is most likely an American, but don't rule out anyone because of nationality. This was roughly 8 years ago.

    All suggestions welcome!

    2 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • How Do You Disclose Secrets to Your Counselor or Therapist?

    This is a general question that I think needs answered for a lot of people.

    In therapy, a lot of people edit what they say aloud, and choose to keep certain things away from everyone else. The secret(s) may be embarrassing, illegal, or even endangering to say.

    So, what's your opinion on why people should bring these secrets out in counseling/therapy?

    4 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago