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  • do you get hired on the spot after an abercrombie group interview?

    I went into the store and asked to speak to the manager... They marked me as a recruit and then i got a call a week later. I also applied online. anyways i have an interview this week and im wondering if they hire you on the spot after the interview or if they wait and call you

    1 AnswerMarketing & Sales8 years ago
  • red marks after scabs fall off?

    i have a few minor cuts (kinda like scratches) and the scabs fell off but red marks are left. how long till these fade?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • how long does it take a cut from scissors to heal?

    please dont judge but 2 days ago i did something really stupid. i got really really upset and overwhelmed so i cut my wrist with scissors and since then ive been so upset i cant think of anything else and its the biggest regret of my life

    everytime i look at my wrist i want to cry and i just wanna know when itll heal.

    they arent deep and hardly bled. they almost look like scratches from a dog or cat. theyre starting to look better but i wanna make sure they wont scar and i just want them to go away. im putting antibiotic gel on them and i bandaged them with gauze.

    can anyone tell me when theyll heal and if theyll scar?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • food poisoning from sushi?

    is it common to get food poisoning from sushi?

    i ate a spicy salmon role last night and now my stomache is a bit unsettled. im just really paranoid because its from my university cafeteria and ive already got food poisoning from them once (not from sushi)

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • What are the chances of getting aids?

    Recently I've been freaking out about aids because it really scares me

    I've only had one sexual partner but my boyfriend has had many (over 30) and I don't know them all. I've Been with him for almost a year

    I wanna stop worrying but I can't :(

    I'm 18 also

    No meAn answers plz I'm just really scared

    3 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • how do i get enough energy?

    i teach tennis for 7 hours a day with little kids and wake up at 6 every morning and im just so exhausted

    its 5 days a week in a row so i just get more and more exhausted each day to the point where i fall right asleep taking a nap when i get home and its really hard to stay up past ten

    idk what to do cuz ive been eating a lot and i dont wanna start drinking coffee again cuz i get really addicted

    3 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • i think i have herpes?

    ive only ever had sex with my boyfriend but he has had many sexual partners

    today i found 2 blister like things down there on the outer lips sorta and they kinda hurt

    im really really scared

    and what happens if i do have it like will it be painful forever?

    3 AnswersSTDs9 years ago
  • white vaginal discharge?

    its white and opaque (not clear at all)

    but its the consistency that kinda worries me

    it looks kinda like white icing/frosting and kind of has that texture :S

    im sort of worried about it is this normal? ive never gotten it before and it started around a week ago

    more details....

    im not a virgin and have sex regularely

    im on a birthcontrol pill (yaz)

    its not itchy

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • does anal feel good for everyone?

    do all women eventually enjoy it after the first few times or is it one of those things that u either like or u dont?

    ive done it twice and i cant imagine it feeling good cuz it feels like ur going to the bathroom in reverse (also its still really tight and it hurts) :S

    but like is it one of those things u have to get used to before it feels good?

    6 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • i overdosed on weed? is this normal?

    last night i overdosed on weed even tho i only took 5 hits. it was about 3am and i was so stoned and i started hallucinating and tripping out. i had a panick attack and myboyfriend calmed me down but i couldnt close my eyes witout tripping and i cried while he tried comforting me,

    its now 10pm the next day and i still feel high, i feel paranoid and scared and out of it dissasociated and im terrified and i dont know whats wrong

    shouldnt it be worn off by now?

    11 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • how many tylenol extra stregths is it healthy to take?

    before over dosing??

    like it says 2 every 2-6 hrs but im in so much pain cuz i have a urinary tract infection. i already took two and it did nothing and idk what to do cuz i cant get the antibiotics till tomorrow and it just hurts sooo much. i took 2 about 1 or 2 hours ago

    so would it be ok to take another 2 maybe?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • urinary tract infection?

    i have a UTI and it kills. i cant stand up straight and i gotta go pee all the time but im scared to cuz it hurts to much and it burns

    a month ago i had one which turned into a kidney infection and it was so bad i threw up everything even water adn felt like i got shot

    this ones really really bad but my doctors away and idk what to do. i can get antibiotics tomorrow possible but in the meantime how do i deal with the pain? cuz i tried tylenol and it doesnt work and im in so much pain im crying and it feels like someone shoved a knife up there

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • plan b effectiveness?

    k so i had unprotected sex on monday. im on the pill but because of antibiotics, it was reliable for this past month. normally me and my boyfriend use the withdrawal method and works fine but this time he may have came a bit early before taking it out and were both not sure. i didnt think he did but as a precaution i took plan b today. (approx 50hrs later) my question is how effective will it b and do you think i have any reason to worry?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • how to deal with anxiety?

    im so anxious all the time and today its just too much cuz im worried about my bf and havent heard from him and until i do im gonna b going crazy and idk what to do cuz im scared and i keep thinking the worst and like i dont wanna get out of bed or anything and i keep trying to go back to sleep

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • skype is broken? (mac version)?

    i just did an update and now everytime i try to open it theres an error message and it says "skype quit unexpectedly"

    1 AnswerSoftware9 years ago
  • what do these symptoms mean?

    im feeling really really sick in a weird kinda way...

    these are my symptoms

    - intense deep back pain, with pain kinda spreading, worsened with talking, breathing, moving

    - nausea

    - light headedness and dizziness

    - increased body temp

    - weakness

    of all of them the back pain is deffinatly the most noticable and has been preventing me from concentrating all day. i have taken 8 tylenols today cuz as soon as they wear off the pain gets sooo bad. this started this morning and has worsened throughout the day

    4 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • pain in my vagina..(after sex)?

    i had sex 3 times yesterday and when i woke up this morning i have this weird pain. i dont usually get this...

    i dont think its an std or something cuz ive been with my boyfriend for months and never had this problem before

    its itchy on the outside like near the entrance and then a deep, not sharp pain and not like stinging or burning but a strong pain sorta near the front of my pelvic area. when i pee or like flex it hurts like hell and the pain is stronger

    i really wanna know what it is cuz it hearts a lot

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • does any one else throw up when theyre upset?

    sometimes i just feel like throwing up but a couple times i actually did

    is that normal?

    its weird it feels like getting the stress out of ur body like a releif

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • is this normal when your in love?

    i feel im bipolar or something like when everythings good its perfect like its 100% but when things go bad its like 0% and like itll b over nothing but it feels like the worst thing in the world and idk why i feel like this

    like why can something thats so perfect most of the time b so scary and make u feel sick the other times?

    its honestly like being on drugs like all the time like up and down its unlike any other feeling like soooo extreme one way or the other

    how do u deal with the hard times?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • gr 12 data managment question?

    Find the number of permutations of six colors on a spinner.


    22. Find the number of permutations of the letters of these words:


    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago