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Angelo asked in Social SciencePsychology · 2 weeks ago

What is the difference between Sociopath and Psychopath?

7 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    There's a lot. Like...really.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 weeks ago

    maybe because they are against being social to some while pyschopaths are against everyone ..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    a psychopath will feed you poison and then say sorry it was a mistake.

    a sociopath will tell you it wasn't a mistake...

  • 2 weeks ago

    (c/p)  Psychopaths tend to be more manipulative, can be seen by others as more charming, lead a semblance of a normal life, and minimize risk in criminal activities. Sociopaths tend to be more erratic, rage-prone, and unable to lead as much of a normal life.

    Psychopathy vs Sociopathy - Mental Health America of ... › im-looking-for › conditions

  • RoVale
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    There are some differences:


    Pretend to care

    Display cold hearted behavior

    Fail to recognize when others are distressed

    Have fake and shallow relationships

    Maintain a normal life as a cover for criminal activity

    Fail to form genuine emotional attachments

    May love people in their own way


    Make it clear they don't care about other people's feelings

    Behave in hot headed and impulsive ways

    Prone to fits of anger and rage

    Recognize what they're doing but will rationalize it away

    Cannot maintain a regular work and family schedule

    Can form emotional attachments but it is difficult

  • 2 weeks ago

    They mean essentially the same thing. "Psychopath" is used primarily in the U.K., and in the U.S. they say "Sociopath" to indicate the same type of psychological dysfunction. In both cases it means a person with an inability to feel empathy.

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