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If Trump supporters know so much more about infectious disease than actual doctors, why not become a infectious disease doctor? ?

Since you are so much more intelligent and knowledgeable than actual doctors and scientists, get off your ***, go to college and then medical school and actually become an Infectious Disease doctor. Then tell your fellow Infectious Disease doctors and top scientists how to do their job and revolutionize the medical and vaccine research systems with your wealth of knowledge. You can get a $400,000 salary and get great benefits and tons of respect. 

For REAL tho: Just because you barely passed H.S in rural Kansas, does not mean you know more than actual infectious disease doctors.


"Doctors are merely about keeping you sick in order to stay in business PERIOD."

Shut up you retarded redneck, no one cares about your opinion you H.S dropout. 

Update 2:

Just because you passed H.S and can use google for 8 minutes a day to look up into on covid, does not mean you know more than infectious disease doctors who have 8 years+ of education and decades of experience. Delusional rednecks. 

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    The vast numbers of clueless, superstitious ppl have helped me understand why a person needs to go to medical school to become a doctor.  The worse are ppl who behave like they have been vaccinated but have not-- they go to superspreader events maskless.  Many ppl are still in denial about COVID bc they are like babies who close their eyes when they see something scary hoping that if they can't see the danger, it isn't there.  Michigan is being overwhelmed by ppl sick with COVID.  The worse thing isn't that the nurses and the doctors in the hospitals are swamped with sick ppl.  The worse thing is that you can go to the hospital with COVID and die there despite being on a ventilator.  I am a Republican who wears a mask and got vaccinated.

  • 2 weeks ago

    Oh boy, I can be an infectious disease doctor.

    Until January 2020, I would spend almost all my time walking around a hospital doing rounds and look at all the patients who had MRSA, the occasional TSS and very little else.  I would get to say, "you need to be on IV vancomycin but we will have to watch your kidney function."

    If I even had a private practice it would be almost exclusively HIV+/AIDS patients.  That would be great if I was interested in treating a single condition and that single condition was HIV+/AIDS.

    To me, it sounds pretty damn boring.  And if you are driven by only income, it could be a great job. 

    You and I both know that most doctors aren't about healing. 

    - Hurt your back, told to rest.  Which is easy for the person and exactly the opposite of what they need to do.   

    - Type II diabetic - here's some meds that will make you more insulin dependent, not let's work together to change your lifestyle including moving you towards a plant based diet.

    I have a facebook post from an ICU nurse in a low income area of Los Angeles where she was describing the use of ventilators with covid patients from mid-May 2020.  She specifically states "our hospital has discontinued the use of Remdesivir because it doesn't appear to be helping and venting is the only option".

    a) she was unaware of the NIAID Remdesivir study until I brought it to her attention. 

    b) obviously, they have since started to use Remdesivir again.  How many covid patients died because the medical staff in that facility didn't keep current?

    c) proves that low income never get the best treatment, which is especially an issue with covid since its a demographic disease. 

  • 2 weeks ago

    Because there is a method of gate-keeping in the medical community, much like any other exclusive clubs, and there's also the fact that doctors are fallible as they are just as capable of failing as they are succeeding and thus should not be considered gods

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Doctors are merely about keeping you sick in order to stay in business PERIOD.

    They don't cure ANYTHING.

    They merely keep you coming back for meds that only THEY can give you just like the drug dealer on the corner.

    They simply use your symptoms and GUESS what your problem is by past cases reporting the same symptoms.

    And NONE can ever predict a virus PERIOD.

    Decade after decade the lemmings get flu shots yet they NEVER work against the flu strain that actually hits.

  • 2 weeks ago

    My doctor doesn't seem to know which vaccines are made using aborted fetal cell lines.  I have to get that information elsewhere.  You don't have to be a doctor to look it up.

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