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What's Wrong With Loving Metal?

In my point of view it's better music than rap and hip hop a lot. Metal is so depressing and turns people suicidal they say. But that's a myth! All rap and hip hop talks about is women, nonsense, sᴇx, and violence. It can be so shameful. Things you can't much relate to. Unlike metal gets all your feelings out.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nothing is wrong with liking the music that speaks to you.

    I have a metal-loving daughter who used to have a metal radio show in college. She married a metal musician. They're both college teachers, not the dumb rednecks parodied by people who like to stereotype.

  • Everyone has a different taste in music. Not everyone is you. 

    I personally do not listen to metal. I have like 2 metal songs in my Playlist out of 300 songs.

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