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The only reason republicans make fun of Biden is because they are butthurt trump lost....?
They arent worried about him having dementia, or anything like That. They are just butthurt they lost the election, and making fun of Biden is the only way they know how to convey that.
9 Answers
- Morning WoodLv 63 weeks ago
They failed to overthrow our democracy, so now they see crying as the best option. These people consider the My Pillow guy to be a saviour. Anyone who remains a Republican probably needs therapy.
- ?Lv 73 weeks ago
The reason Republicans try to make fun of Biden is because they have a hard time finding anything that he screws up on. With Trump that was pretty much a daily occurrence.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
LOL, Biden makes a fool of himself, it is laughable.
We are laughing at that stumbling fool.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Trumper's would be on this forum "how about that Dow libtards" since Biden has been President they lost interest in the DOW because it's crickets chirping now about the DOW from those Trumper's
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
Butthurt? That's an understatement. Republicans butts are basically hemorrhaging blood at this point by the gallon.
- Anonymous3 weeks ago
True. Biden shines in pressers, speeches, and interviews, and he can literally run up and down that ramp.