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Did the Covid vaccine hurt or make you sick?

21 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    I had both shots of the the Moderna vaccine earlier this year.

    Hurt... I felt the pinch from the syringe, and pain around the injection area which lasted for several days.

    Sick... After the second vaccine I had flu-like symptoms for several days. (Fever, aches, fatigue.)

    That's it.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    VERY rare for anyone....

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    My arm was sore but just a little.  Pls get vaccinated and pls don't delay.  560K Americans who died from COVID would have loved to have received the vaccine.  But it's too late for them.  It's OK to be nervous, but getting vaccinated is the smart thing to do.  I am a Republican, wear a mask (long before any govt mandates) and I got vaccinated ASAP.

  • hart
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago
  • 3 weeks ago

    When injected, it feels a little like a boil. The next day there is a little pain in the vaccination area. The pain must have gone away other day.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    all needles hurt , and yes it can make you sick , how sick depends if you have a reaction .

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    The actual shot did not hurt. It was a very tiny prick, equivalent to something like a mosquito bite. I personally did not experience severe symptoms. I had some injection site soreness which lasted into the next day and for a couple of hours after the injection I felt a little bit weird. But that was it. On the other hand, side effects can vary quite a bit. All of the adults that I know have gotten at least one dose of the vaccine already. Some of them have experienced no side effects like my father. But others experienced more significant ones. My mother, who is in her 70s, experience fatigue the next day. My aunt, who is a few years older, had even more fatigue. The day after she got her second shot she was basically only able to wake up to feed herself. My sister-in-law, who is in her 40s, experienced probably the most significant side effects including fatigue and chills. Still, this is better than running the risk of catching the Coronavirus.

  • 3 weeks ago

    No, not at all.  I didn’t even feel the needle go in and my arm never ached.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    No.  I got one brand of 2-dose vaccine and I experienced no side effects beyond the muscle soreness where it was injected.  My mom got the other brand of 2-dose vaccine and also had no side effects beyond the muscle soreness where it was injected.  But a few of my coworkers did feel like crap with the second dose and missed a day of work, while others had no side effects.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    No to both. I had the Phyzer.

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