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Should I feel Guilty for thriving during the pandemic?

I read all the stories, see my co workers struggling and barely getting by, the stress with their kids out of school, family members getting sick/passing away etc. By a combination of luck and prior decisions before the pandemic I’m doing the best and living the best life I ever have. I’m 30 and got promoted at my “essential” job that was pandemic proof, increased my savings from 80K to 140K, met a nice girl I’ve been dating, no family members got sick, attained my masters that was paid all paid for by the VA and had my rent paid by the housing allowance...and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been where I never let anyone else’s bad day ever bring me down one peg. Should I legitimately feel guilty about this (I’m not feeling guilty at all) while living my best life in a dark time of pain for this country and what’s going on with this administration and the past year that we’ve had as the Wuhan virus has upended America and its citizens? Thoughts? 


The MHA housing allowance is also untaxed and not counted as earnings in my taxes or with the stimulus checks 

Update 2:

Also worked the entire pandemic too and didn't have to stick dirty mits into the unemployment jar

5 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    i dont think so

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Definitely.  No two ways about it. Especially since youre loaded and thriving yet chose to milk the housing allowance. That said, how did you qualify for the housing allowance with a pay rate that allowed you to stash 100000+ dollars and how did that pay rate and savings not get counted into your assets which would have disqualified you? With that much stashed aside what the heck are you even doing claiming housing allowance?????  You might as well file for food stamps while you're at it. Its not like it'll use funding that could go to those who actually need it or anything....... 😐

    Edit: who cares if the housing allowance isn't taxed?? Whats that have to do with anything?? Your income from your job is considered when applying for such benefits. If you made enough in a year at your job to stash as much as you say, you're above that income level. They also look at ASSETS which includes saved money. You have over 50 times the cash asset limit saved. Ignoring all of that, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SQUELCHING off of tax funded benefits intended for those WHO CANT AFFORD THE THINGS THEYRE APPLYING FOR HELP FOR?? With as much as you claim to have saved and as much as you'd need to be paid to save it in a year, there's no reason you can't pay your own way. Government aid isn't meant to pay your way so you can stash 100000+ dollars away. You and those like you are the reason the right says people abuse the system and why they keep cutting benefits from people who NEED them, which OBVIOUSLY isn't you. Either your a liar/troll or a mooch whos leeching off of the system unnecessarily. You can edit and add info all you want. Its still going to be ridiculous. No one cares WHICH government aid your ripping off with your "dirty mitts" when you're still sticking your mitts into government money you obviously don't need. The problem is the fact that you're doing it AT ALL. It doesn't make it any better just because you're not ripping off unemployment.

    Source(s): Yup
  • 1 month ago

    How are you thriving while your co-workers are struggling? You got such a big promotion that made you so much wealthier in 12 months or so?  Sounds unlikely.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Don't bother taking a creative writing class. You lack the innate talent to benefit from it.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    You are lonely 

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