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Is Pepsi harmful to diabetes?
12 Answers
- 1 month ago
I would say Pepsi and other fizzy sugary drinks are bad in general. Diet versions of the sodas aren’t as bad.
- ?Lv 71 month ago
Harmful TO diabetes? In English, we would say "harmful for diabetics", and yes, it is.
- Anonymous1 month ago
Try diet Pepsi, no sugar
- JanetLv 71 month ago
Sugar is harmful to diabetes. Sugar-free Pepsi would not be.
BUT the carbonation etches your teeth and they turn yelllow-grey much sooner in life, and the carbonation can cause bleeding stomach ulcers over time, and the carbonation can leach calcium out of your bone and cause osteoporsis (my mother-in-law has it SO badly, that if she was to step on a ladder, she would break the bones of her feet, and she only weights 95 pounds because she's a tiny little lady).
Don't drink pop.
- geezerLv 71 month ago
It depends on how much sugar there is in the 'type' of Pepsi you drink
and how much you drink.
- ♥Sweetness♥Lv 71 month ago
Considering the fact that pepsi is pretty much all sugar with a couple of chemcials and some brown food coloring, YEAH, it is not good for anyone with diabetes.