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Everyone filing for unemployment is supposed to get an additional $600 until July 31st. What if they are delaying payment to people?
I filed for unemployment due to covid-19 4 weeks ago and still have not heard anything as far as how much I will be getting or if My application was even accepted. Are they going to pay me for the weeks they didn’t respond to me since I lost my job over a month ago?
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year agoHow would the U.S. government alter the Naturalization test?
I am writing an essay that includes altering the United States Naturalization test. How would the U.S. be able to alter the test?
4 AnswersImmigration1 year agoHumanities final essay question help?
I have to answer: How is this work of art/art form/artist a reflection of/reflect what it means to be human?
I'm writing about the different types of clay for my art form. I'm not sure how to answer that question about the art form I chose. Can anyone give me some tips ?
2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 year ago