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Do you think democrats will win the mid terms?
15 Answers
- Mike LLv 72 months ago
As long as Biden's approval remains as high at it is, they should. Hopefully take over a couple more seats in Senate. Good things are on the horizon.
- OnlookerLv 72 months ago
Yeah, in part because it seems like the Republican Party is a mess. They are really putting all the energy into getting a lock on the 35% of people who support Trump, leaving millions of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents in the wilderness. They will end up either voting for third party candidates or Democrats or not voting at all.
- 2 months ago
No. They're already screwing things up and voters are paying attention, despite what the MSM says.
- ArtemiscLv 72 months ago
trump is seriously screwing with the Republican Party, because if it isn't about him, it isn't about anything. I would hope that the Republican Party is seeing the mess MJT is causing, and will act to prevent more such idiots form getting elected.
On the other hand, the DNC can be its own worst enemy. It's a tough call. Generally, the minority party picks up seats in the mid-terms, but the shadow of trump is going to loom large, so perhaps that tradition will end. I certainly hope so.
- Jeff SLv 72 months ago
I'm starting to doubt it.
Mostly because they're allowing Republicans to continue spreading his Big Lie he lost because of voter fraud!
- Not YouLv 62 months ago
I think it's likely, though I say that with no confidence. The DNC will be able to take credit for a recovery from COVID. That's a great selling point when you're trying to win elections.
- Anonymous2 months ago
No, do you remember when they got killed in Bill Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s midterm years? Both times they lost control of the House by landslides. Nancy Pelosi was Speaker during the 2010 midterms.
- Anonymous2 months ago
They've never fought so hard for anything as they're not fighting to LOSE!
And I mean BIG, BIG, BIG time lose.
- Anonymous2 months ago