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Lv 5
Finch asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 months ago

Had Covid not hit, would Trump have gotten reelected?

Regardless if you pin it on Trump's handling of the virus or if you think it was used as cover for voter fraud in some states, do you think Trump would've gotten reelected in a Covid-free 2020 or does the rest of his baggage end up dooming his reelection chances and Biden wins anyway?

And this is assuming that without the lockdowns, the summer protests/riots aren't as bad/divisive (in the case of the riots and bullying from the woke crowd) and widespread as they ended up being.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Would COVID not hitting have kept him from smearing Arizona's favorite son and pissing on his grave?

    Would COVID not hitting have kept him from a full-on decade of overt racism towards Black people, starting with Birtherism, continuing through calling White Supremacists in Charlottesville "fine people" and through defending the Confederate flag and statues to defenders of slavery and continuing through rallying against players taking a knee in humble prayer during the National Anthem to protest the wanton killing of Black people by police with impunity and messaging that Black lives don't matter to him, and running right up through the election itself with voter suppression tactics?

    No, and no. Those noes are what cost him the heretofore dyed-in-the-wool red states of Arizona and Georgia, so, no, it wouldn't have made a difference. Trump's why Trump lost, not COVID.

  • 3 months ago

    Nope. Covid stopped Trump rom starting the six wars he had planned for 2020

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