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Why do republicans keep saying biden will raise all our taxes, when that's simply not true?
"Wait and see" isn't a good answer. That's what you guys said when you thought Obama would take all of our guns. Well, that didn't happen.
6 Answers
- Anonymous4 months ago
They like to spread lies. It's the only way other brain dead folks will listen.
- Anonymous4 months ago
Same reason they keep saying I'm a communist who wants to steal all their guns and make them eat tofu? Stubborn stupidity?
- ?Lv 74 months ago
Most individual do not earn more than 150,000 per year. Most families have an income of less than 250,000. If they earn more than that, their increase is long overdue because they pay less than the average American(s) and that is inherently unfair. Fair taxes for all; this is what Biden wants and I am for it.
- EEEEEE!!!!!Lv 64 months ago
Tax incidence is the belief in who ultimately pays and some speculate that many don’t see how taxes impact them