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Is trump a dictator?
Hes asking the military to flip the election for him.
11 Answers
- KillmousekyLv 74 months ago
Orange Fraud is just a wannabe. He lacks the intelligence or the courage to be a dictator. He also never had the support of either the military or even any large group of agitators. The U.S. military will never give him support: You don't get that from people you call "losers" & "suckers." He's just a nobody who will vanish like dust in the wind in 16 more days.
Adolf Hitler, a man who knew about how to lead people said it best "I am not a dictator & never will be a dictator. As a dictator, any clown can govern." (1933)
O.F. is definitely a clown, but still remains only what he's always been - a fraud, & nothing more.
I always have to laugh uproariously at the LOSERS who still, at this late date, try to defend their pathetic Orange Fraud.
- dman63Lv 74 months ago
Trump is a wannabe dictator, and the U.S. military would not accept such an order from him. Their job is to defend the country and the Constitution. To flip a fair election in favour of a spoiled brat pretend President who can’t deal with losing is not part of their mandate.
- GrundoonLv 74 months ago
If he is, he failed at that as well.
trump is a loser and that is all he can ever do
- ?Lv 74 months ago
With the civilian courts being too pusssy to hear any of the cases , I'd have no objection to those cases being heard in the military courts .
- electricpoleLv 74 months ago
You answered your own question. If he was a dictator, he wouldn't be "asking" .
- ?Lv 74 months ago
Not at all, despite your lies, there is a difference between a request and a direct order.
- Pat WoodenLv 74 months ago
He would love to be a dictator--he admires people like Putin and Kim Jong-Un. He's doing his best to change our country into a dictatorship, but keeps running up against the Constitution.
- marsel_duchampLv 74 months ago
Pretty much seals he wants to be a dictator. Every living secretary of defense points it out.
"all 10 living former secretaries of defense are cautioning against any move to involve the military in pursuing claims of election fraud, arguing that it would take the country into “dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory.”
- Anonymous4 months ago
Republicans are strong supporters of fascism as you can see by their willingness to defend trumps phone call