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What is the oldest car company? (Check description)?
A quick google search indicates Mercedes at 137 years old (1883) to be the oldest. However, upon research i have found that Mitsubishi was founded in 1870, making it 150 years old. Is this wrong and google is right?
6 Answers
- skeptikLv 79 months agoFavorite Answer
Mitsubishi is the oldest company that currently makes cars.
Mercedes is the current name of the first company to make cars. That company (Daimler motors corporation) sold its first car in 1892. Mitsubishi didn't sell its first car until 1917.
- Anonymous8 months ago
Mercedes-Benz is the Oldest CAR company many ship building companies have moved to Cars dont make their ship Building age the same as their car age so Mitsubishi IS NOT THE OLDEST CAR COMPANY
- Anonymous9 months ago
Mercedes Benz Built the worlds First Automobile 1883
Car manufacture under the Mitsubishi name goes back to 1917 with the Mitsubishi Model A, the first series-production passenger car to be made in Japan (22 were produced).
- USAFisnumber1Lv 79 months ago
The oldest is Peugeot in France. Founded in 1810. Making it 210 years old.
- Anonymous9 months ago
and baby I'm about to tell you.... one little daddy, turtle neck, I said one little daddy, turtleneck, I want the bleep blah on our way, little daddy!