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6 Answers
- Anonymous10 months ago
What if he drops out? Have the Dems considered that they might be simply handed the presidency and the instant karma of having to deal with a mess they when to extremes to ensure was the worst it could possibly be. Imagine taking control of the country in its current state? What’s the plan? How are the Dems gona get us out of it? Probably phone Soros and tell him to stop buying bricks
- Anonymous10 months ago
I don't know about that.
Hillary was absolutely toxic.
Biden is the opposite.
He's a bumbling doofus unable to pronounce any entire syllable one time in a row.
Perhaps, since the Dems favor Spanish-speaking illegals over Citizens he should just say, "Que?"
- Anonymous10 months ago
"Have you had enough yet?"
- ?Lv 710 months ago
instead of job jobs jobs, there are still 40 MILLION people out of work due to covid. these aren't new creations. just people going back to their old jobs. but he will ride the economy hard until election day.
- Anonymous10 months ago
All he has to do is show the videos of Joe kissing, fondling and sniffing little toddlers.