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Women who dye their hair?
With many people being reluctant to go to hairdressers and beauty salons, are women who dye their hair more likely to go grey and embrace it?
4 Answers
- ?Lv 71 year ago
I've never gone to a salon to get my hair dyed. I dye my hair at home. It's less time consuming and less expensive. I've also never had a hair fail with hair dye. I don't feel old enough to start seeing grays. If the stores sell out of hair dye, then I'm going to have to embrace it.
- Anonymous1 year ago
I think less likely. I've been dying my hair since I was (around) twenty and plan on doing it, or having it done (when I can no longer do it myself), until the day I die.
- Anonymous1 year ago
I wouldn't mind if my hair turned grey, and I'm always dying my hair different colors
- Anonymous1 year ago
My wife colors her own hair so that's a big no. And she has ample stocks of color.