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Where To Buy Exotic Meat In Port Macquarie?

Looking around for exotic meat (e.g. horse, camel, goat, emu, ostrich, hare, wallaby, alpaca, antelope venison, llama, alligator, frog, eel, etc)


Also what ones should I try?

Update 2:

Port Macquarie is a world-famous small city (about 50,000 residents) and is coastal, tourist area with surely some exotic meats around or in the Hastings area.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    You are looking for exotic game meats in or near a small city. I suggest you call butcher shops and ask if they know of anyone in your district who sells some of those you listed. There is a website called Alpine Game Meats who do sell exotic meat, but they are located in Prospect, 4 hr drive away so you would need to pay for transportation/delivery if you can't source any locally. 

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