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Did the House Managers for impeachment REQUIRE 33 days to hold the Articles of impeachment so they could prepare for the trial we see today?
After their wordy, repetitive speeches, it seems obvious to me...
6 Answers
- 1 year ago
Pelosi and Schiff said the matter was urgent because national security was threatened. Then they decided that a month either way would not make a difference!
So they rushed to judgement and now they are trying to get extra witnesses to testify. It is almost as if they do not have sufficient evidence even though they rushed to a conclusion.
- ?Lv 71 year ago
It was only 28 days don't fall for all the right-wing propaganda.
Nancy did not have to ever send the articles over, and she was waiting for Mitch to act responsibly.
- ElaineLv 71 year ago
You have to keep in mind that most of the senators don't know what was presented at the impeachment hearings. So, what seems boring to you is brand new knowledge for the senators. What is happening is that each item is being explained so the senators have a better understanding. In addition these explanations help the senators formulate their questions.
- Anonymous1 year ago
Not at all. The delay was entirely because Mitch McConnell announced to the public that he would not allow a proper & balanced proceeding, that he and his GOP cronies had already agreed to throw it out without hearing a single shred, and, most ridiculously of all, that he would be taking his cues directly from the defendant.
- ?Lv 71 year ago
They haven't missed a trick. You must mean the inadequate band of lawyers we are paying for doing nothing.
- RickLv 71 year ago
No, that was all for Nancy. THIS has been her ONLY 'victory' in YEARS, and she just wanted to savor it a bit longer .............