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How would the U.S. government alter the Naturalization test?
I am writing an essay that includes altering the United States Naturalization test. How would the U.S. be able to alter the test?
4 Answers
- FoofaLv 71 year ago
Apparently in the Trump era the President can do this unilaterally -
- ibu guruLv 71 year ago
For the English proficiency test, use a standardized & widely available test, such as TOEFL, for more comprehensive & accurate results. It would be far better, but highly unlikely the govt would use such a test.
- Brother HesekielLv 71 year ago
By firing the retarded monkeys who did it and use people with a brain:
If you read this, you should be able to get an A on your essay:
Source(s): An immigrant from Europe, I live on the American Riviera and work as an attorney in Santa Barbara, California. - 1 year ago
Are you asking about the Civics test or the Language test? When I did the Civics test the examiner asked me a couple of questions from the booklet and then some that were not in the test booklet at all. So I think we can assume that altering the test can be done at the examiner's whim.
No idea about the Language test. For some reason English people do not have to take that.
Source(s): I'm English