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Do you support Trump being placed on Mount rushmore after his 8 year presidency is complete?
Donald J Trump is clearly the greatest president in our nations history within the last 100 years. Do you support having his bust added to Mount Rushmore, or should we erect multiple statue to honor him at 50 mile increments along the southern border wall to honor his commitment to stopping illegal immigration.
11 Answers
- Uncle PennybagsLv 72 years agoFavorite Answer
They need to build another Rushmore with FDR, Reagan and Trump on it, and then leave one spot empty for a future President.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Yes. And I support having a massive Trump statute built next to the statute of liberty to boot.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Republicans should make a statue of Trump the Redeemer like they did of Christ in Rio de Janeiro.
- Anonymous2 years ago
How about we do both.
- The First DragonLv 72 years ago
He should have his own mountain sculpture; there's no more room on Mt. Rushmore.
- ProfessorLv 72 years ago
You know....
No Liberal ever talked this way about Obama.
What is with you freaks and your insistence that Trump be revered as a god like saint. Have you all lost your freaking minds?
He's just a god damed president. There's nothing particularly distinctive about that. It's not as if he was born of a jackal or something. Calm down you idiots!
- Dru TodLv 62 years ago
Maybe you can place a mighty orange beacon in His honour on Trump Tower instead so New Yorkers can bask in His orange glow?