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Why are banks listing forclosed houses for sale but not selling them?
while i was looking for a house I noticed a trend in my area. Houses would go on the market as a Forclosure auction (the property as empty, old owners had already been forclosed on), I actually put in an offer on one of these properties and lost the bid even though my bid was above the asking price. The status of the house would go to "pending sale" then a few months later it would be "off the market" not sold. I was under the impression that If I offered above the asking price that if the sale fell threw that I would be contacted and given the opertunity to purchase the house...
my bad, it wasn't an was just for sale but was being offered by the bank from a forclosure. At any rate the first two responders are very rude....
4 Answers
- Anonymous2 years agoFavorite Answer
Same thing with a house near me that sat empty for years. I think the banks got in huge trouble years ago for foreclosing without PERFECT paperwork and they had bad paperwork for so long they were not equipped to do it right. Eventually they did after I did not turn on that street for several years. But I know it was empty for at least 10-12 years.
I've heard of others who put people out but then got sued and had to let them move back in even though they did not pay and were way behind. It was a huge mess.
- realtor.sailorLv 72 years ago
If you offered full price and it wasn't an auction, then they didn't like something in your offer. Banks will sell subject to financing unless it's in really bad shape. Were you asking for assistance in your closing costs? There could be several reasons your full price offer wasn't accepted.
- babyboomer1001Lv 72 years ago
Because you did not pay for the house dummy? Learn the terms of buying a foreclosed house. You have to pay ON THE SPOT. IMMEDIATELY. In cash and in full. Hope that you aren't sued for specific performance. They probably looked into your finances and realized that you have no money and.... so they had no choice but to put it for auction again. DON'T bid unless you have the money to pay for the house. If you keep doing it, the banks are going to have you put in jail for fraud and harassment.
Source(s): Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Foreclosure law experience. - JudyLv 72 years ago
Wrong. Once your offer is turned down, it's void and no longer active. A few months later, many potential buyers wouldn't be interested, The seller isn't going to waste their time keeping track of them.