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? asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 2 years ago

Can you use 2 internal hard drives on one computer and swap files between both?

Is it possible to do this? I have a 256 SSD and a 500 mechanical hard drive and I want to install my games onto my 500 and play them off my ssd. I have a built system with a z97 chipset and I was wondering if this was even possible because before I had a 10 year old Dell XPS 630i and I was able to open and move files from each drive, the SSD and 500. The SSD had windows 10 and the hard drive had windows 7 and all worked well until I downloaded a game from steam from my ssd and chose the destination to be my regular hard drive and everything was fine until I rebooted and I got a blue screen from both drives, windows 7 and windows 10 and the error code was something about the ntfs file system being altered or something like that. Then again I was never able to get it out of raid because the XPS was only able to use RAID and installing Windows was always an issue on most drives for me so I’m wondering if that was the reason. Again my built setup is not a raid at all. I just want to know if I can install programs/games from my ssd to my 500 without any issue?

2 Answers

  • keerok
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Yes you can use more than one hard drive in your computer. The limit will be the physical space for the drive and the amount of ports to connect the drives to.

    Yes you can move files around all drives except program files that need to be located in predetermined directories. Generally, you can not install the game to one drive then copy and play it on the other. The exceptions would be those tiny old games that don't need installation.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    IF you have enough power left-over in your power supply ..................

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