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? asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationCamping · 5 years ago

Stainless Steel vs Carbon Steel Karambit?

Heya! I m looking to order a custom made Karambit knife. They blacksmith asked me what kind of steel I wanted and asked me to choose between Stainless Steel and Carbon Steel. So can anyone explain what s better and why?

3 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Carbon Steel

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Carbon steel rusts more easily and requires more maintenance but costs less. Stainless steel is the opposite of that.

    Edit: Yes you can absolutely sharpen stainless steel with a whetstone I do it all the time and while it does require a little more patience as the material is stronger it can be done with just a little more effort. Stainless steel is preferable as its stronger and requires less maintenance meaning you won't need to keep it oiled.

  • 5 years ago

    High-carbon steel is preferable if you want to sharpen a blade yourself and can avoid corrosive conditions, keeping your blade dry. Stainless steel is difficult to sharpen once it becomes dull, but is harder material that takes longer to become dull.

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