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The left side of my head feels odd?
It hurts a little, and it feels kinda like something is being lightly pushed there, but not quite. It's hard to describe. I have no idea what it is, and it feels like it will wear off in the morning, but the fact that it's there (not it doing anything really) bothers me. I noticed it a few minutes ago (maybe half an hour ago?) and I don't notice any bumps. It feels like it might wear off in the morning but I don't know.
I used one a weed whacker earlier and my arm feels kinda vibrate-y but I don't think that has stuff to do with it.
I just remembered I was (maybe am still) kinda sick so it might be from that?
6 Answers
- SallyLv 56 years ago
i feel like people are very much scared for little thing. As you say it is very less just try to cool. It is normal. If the pain persist more than three or more day then consult a doctor
- 6 years ago
If one side of your body feels that way and your arm felt tingly, I would definitely go to the doctor ASAP, because it could be signs of a stroke.