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Lv 4

How to create a function in C++ that generates a random number and tells the user if they have entered a number too high/too low?


I don't have enough characters to paste my code here, so I will try to get a screenshot uploaded somewhere for you to view it.

Update 2:

The following are links to screenshots of my code:

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Update 3:

Oh also I understand that in the main function, I've written 'random(input, output)' - I just haven't updated it to correspond with the function definition above.

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    First you only need one function parameter and a "void" function is better also you don't need loop.

    Now generate a random number and compare it to the parameter if the entered number is geater, print "The entered number is greater than the random number"

    Else if the random number greater than the number passed to the function then print "The entered number is less than the random number"

    Else print "they are equal".

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    void c_rand(int j){

    int r;


    if(j> r )

    cout << "too big\n";

    else if (j<r)

    cout << "too small\n';


    cout << "you got it\n";



    int main(void){



    return 0;


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