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Bites on my arms and leg??
Ok well I found out my cats have fleas and they have been sleeping on my bed and all of sudden I got these bites all over my arms and my leg!! They look like mosquito bites but I don think they are. And plus I also got sick out of nowhere!! I don't know what to do or what's wrong with me!! Help please!
2 Answers
- RegLv 77 years ago
you have a flea infestation
You need to remove your cats, give them a flea bath, and flea collars
and discard ALL of their bedding and toys.
You need to wash all your own bedding, and wash down the furniture with a borax solution.
Then vacuum the house thoroughly, baseboards included
then use a flea bomb to fumigate the place.
you will never get rid of the fleas
- ?Lv 47 years ago
Cats are by nature very clean animals, and reside in homes.
You have to get your act together, by first of all, getting your room clean and hygenic.