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I am a father; grandfather; great-grandfather: did some military time in my youth, belatedly educated myself to two college graduations, after completing a Sec. Sch. General Diploma at the age of 45. Worked in technical issues and Public Security for most of my life, after an interestingl career in sales. Was an Advanced First AId Instructor for St. John Ambulance and a CPR Instructor for the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation. Did many hours with third-man local ambulance services. Used to own HandGuns, loaded my own ammunition for years, Gave it up because of the problems of gun ownership. Worked as a Bench Technician in a local Locksmithing company for over ten years...married forty-eight yrs, still driving my own car - Still have my motorcycle License . No tickets! Have a nice stamp collection: American &Canadian Used & Mint. I enjoy chatting with fellow contributors...
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