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Lv 7
? asked in Business & FinanceCredit · 9 years ago

If you paid of an installment load early, how long does it ding your credit score?

For example, I finance something for 48 months, then come into some extra cash and pay it off in 36 months. Obviously my credit score suffers because the financier didn't get his full interest had the note been carried to term. My question is how many points I lose on my credit score, and how many months does that "ding" hurt me?

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Paying off an installment loan early does not ding your score. How much interest the lender gets has absolutely nothing to do with your credit history or score. Your score is based on the loans and credit cards and your payment history.

    Installment loans build credit by making payment over time. After 18 months, your score has the most benefit of that payment history.

    Closed/paid accounts in good standing remain on your credti report for at least 10 years. They just don't count as much in your score as open, active accounts. Paying off the installment loan may cause a slight drop to your score for this reason. It won't be that much and definitely not worth paying the extra interest for another year's worth of history.

    Source(s): BD
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There is not any set quantity of features your ranking will pass down for an inquiry, it raises established at the quantity of inquires you could have over the final 6 month interval. The entire inspiration is to set up danger, if you're making use of for plenty of credit score your this may increasingly point out you are a bigger danger as you're watching to tackle extra debt and a few creditors is probably not granting it to you. That stated if you happen to follow for a bank card and have not implemented for some thing lately you will have to lose lower than five features when you've got many inquires over a brief interval it would be up to 20 features. But those depart after 6 months, and if you happen to do have a couple of inquires in your credit score from shopping a brand new automobile or condo and browsing charges or some thing like that, write a letter to the lender wherein you're making use of and provide an explanation for that you just had been browsing for a automobile mortgage or a loan and they'll overlook the inquires. Hope this is helping.

  • Boots
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Paying off an installment loan early does not ding your credit score. If anything, it would be more likely to help because it reduces your debt ratio and the loan shows that it was paid off in full.

    Your credit score has to do with how well you handle credit - making payments on time, not being over extended. It has nothing to do with how much you pay in interest.

    As long as your loan does not have a prepayment penalty all that loan off early.

  • 9 years ago

    knuckles you have a total misunderstanding of credit. On installment loans 90% of your points are earned in the first 7 months you gain almost nothing by paying longer. You saved a lot of interest and being financially smart is 1000 times better then good credit any day of the week.

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