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Lv 4
? asked in Cars & TransportationCommuting · 9 years ago

Why is it that in Germany, Motorways have no speed limit but in UK is 70?

I am British, and I drove to Poland to visit my wife's family and I really enjoyed driving in Germany and I dont mean driving fast like an idiot. There is no speed limit on motorways. Are the Germans not worried about safety or is it the UK that is falling far behind.

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    of course we have speed limits there are only certain highways and parts of certain highways you can drive as fast as you want on some you can only do it at night.

    we are very much concerned about safety thats why making your drivers license in germany is quite a big deal and very expensive you have to pass all kinds of tests before you are allowed to drive a car on german streets. you cant just pay 100 bugs drive 5 minutes and get your license like in the US for example (dont know about the UK).

    so not every idiot in germany is allowed to drive here as opposed to the US.

  • 9 years ago

    Just over 80 is the recommended speed on German Motorways

    And France is just over 80 and 75 in spain and they reduce the speed in the rain where we don't

    Country In built-up areas Outside built-up areas Motorways

    Austria 50 100 130

    Belgium 50 90 or 120 120

    Cyprus 50 80 100

    Czech Republic 50 90 130

    Germany 50 100 130 (*)

    Denmark 50 80 110

    Spain 50 90 or 100 120

    Estonia 50 90 or 100 -

    France 50 90 or 110 130

    Finland 50 80 or 100 120

    United Kingdom 48(30 miles) 96 or 112(60 or 70 miles) 112 (70 miles)

    Greece 50 90 or 110 120

    Hungary 50 90 or 110 130

    Italy 50 90 or 110 130

    Ireland (**) 50 80/100 120

    Luxembourg 50 90 130

    Lithuania 50 90 or 100 -

    Latvia 50 90 or 100 110 or 130

    Malta 50 80 -

    The Netherlands 50 80 or 100 120

    Poland 60 90 130

    Portugal 50 90 or 100 120

    Sweden 50 70 110

    Slovakia 60 90 130

    Slovenia 50 90 or 100 130

    (*) In Germany 130 km/h is a recommended maximum.

  • 9 years ago

    The low speed limits you see in parts of the UK may be an indication of either general ability of drivers or the condition of the road surface.Traffic volumes are also a factor in setting speed limits.

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