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Sophiee asked in Beauty & StyleHair · 1 decade ago

HELP!! Bad haircut??!?!?!? pics included!!?

Okay so i got this reaally bad haircut, i told her to cut 2 inches off and she did that but she then put layers on the top and none on the bottom and i just hate the way it frames my face and i want my hair like before, should i go to the hairdressers?? If yes what do i tell her??

ive tried straightening it, i just really hate it.



you guys might not think its that bad, its just for me it really is:(

oh and which glasses should i wear? the ones in the first or the ones in the second?


5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    GabriellaSabatini's A LYING ***** DON'T LISTEN TO HER CRAP PLZ

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not bad at all , and the first glasses .

    But personally i like this pic

  • 1 decade ago

    I like it much better long. I would just try to grow it out. And I like the glasses in the first picture better.

    I hear using horse shampoo makes it grow faster, good luck!

  • I would move your part farther to the side and straighten your bangs. Either that or wear a headband untill it grows back to normal

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Glasses:first pic

    Hair: It's honestly not bad! but it might look better if you straighten it and put some mouse on to give it definition.


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