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Base Exchange at KAF (Kandahar) open to civilians? Currency?

My mother is a civilian (Canadian Civil Servant) being sent to KAF for a month on a project. The prep information is coming back in drips and dregs, making it very difficult to plan. So we knows that she will be fed in the mess like everyone else but does she need to bring personal hygiene items with her (like shampoo and soap) or is she allowed to purchase items at the Base Exchange without a military ID, if her supplies run out? If she can purchase stuff at the Exchange, do you have to use Canadian currency or can you use electronic? (Interac, credit cards)

I hear they are subsidized to give comparable prices to back home; now, with subsidizing they love to SAY things are cheaper but they are often not. Did you find the prices comparable to home?


Yes, I am talking about the Kandahar Airfield.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good Luck to her and all due respect to her

    I think if she takes cash and a debit card she will be fine, Kandahar has to meet the needs of many Nationalities so I think she will be covered, obvious thing not to take is alcohol.. Your mum though should receive full info at least a week prior to transit though, and if not your mother should talk to her superior about the lack of information.

    Good luck to her and all due respect to her,, btw don't worry about her there she will be surrounded by some of the best troops in the world of many different nationalities

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